
Nature Of God Series - Part 2

New Life did their very very first sermon series called "The Nature of God" each week focused on a different aspect of God. We had a variety of speakers with different preaching styles - it was pretty cool.

I was sitting in on the initial planning meeting for the series.

I almost had a heart attack when the assistant pastor of the church looked at me during the meeting and said "so, we want to do these sermon series things, we want some cool stuff on stage to make it look different"

Which is really really cool....

I really wanted to do some cool set design stuff - the catch is that I've never had any real experience making stages look cool outside of creative stage lighting.

I did the stereotypical contemporary church thing a few times and hung some spandex sails - you can never go wrong with spandex sails. Another time I wanted an art gallery look on stage. So I asked two artists in church to let me steal their paintings and sculptures and hung large art pieces from my catwalks, smaller pieces were attached to my truss uprights, and sculptures were put on pedestools - it was a really really cool look. I of course don't have any pictures - I do have a DVD of the event - at some point I will figure out how to get some screen caps and share....

Back to the Nature of God...

I went to Home Depot and bought four 13' and two 8' sections of corregated plastic
(the stuff you make greenhouses out of) and hung them from our upstage catwalk at various heights. I programmed a few focus points where my studio colors and cyber lights would hit the plastic at different angles for different effects.


The other added bonus to doing this is that it forced us to only use one middle screen (as opposed to three) for lyrics and video rolls (we also have two other screens that just display the program feed from our TV folks)....

The result is pretty cool for $120 worth of materials. It makes our stage night church look appear totally different than our AM service... The downside is that we have to setup and teardown the plastic before/after every night church service - I am not complaining, it takes me and another guy 10 or so minutes.

I did some experiments trying to project low resolution graphics on the plastic - pretty cool. One day I will buy some more plastic and get a Matrox Triple head2go and try splaying graphics across the entire back wall.

Anywhoo... here are some pictures.




1 comment:

Bradley said...

Very cool man. And only you would need to learn to do a screen capture from a DVD program. Have you upgraded to windows 98 yet? Becuase I hear they have this really cool new DVD player program that will capture the screen with a single button click. Something to look into. Just remember... WINDOWS 98. Oh, but check your computer to make sure it can handle the jump from 3.1 before you go and spend the money on that state of the art operating system.